Creative Writing


  • Blue jeans clothespined to a laundry line.

    Loose Threads

    And the web could never apologize for the way you weave your lies, like baskets holding guilt too heavy for their weight on dates passed due.

  • In a dark room we see a well lit mountain range through a large window. It is day, and pink flowers sit potted on the window sill.


    Morning pours over the house-topped hills and seeps through fogged window panes…

  • An image of a hand holding an ice cream cone with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and a scoop of strawberry ice cream stacked on top. Alt text by writer Kyrin Sturdivant.

    Ice Cream Sundays

    In the summer after brushing every tree we passed on the trail, we drive home hot under our clothes and the heavy heat…

  • A lake in front of a mountain. Pine trees are seen along the shore of the lake, revealing large snow covered mountains in the background.

    To climb a mountain

    To climb a mountain is to pour your weight towards the unknown, to find your footing on a ledge whose path is crumbling…

  • Blue hospital mask. Alt by writer Kyrin Sturdivant.

    Stretched too thin

    Stretching, the aching muscles fall into, the motions worn in stretching the confines of a house on lockdown, the fibrous masks…

  • Parasailor on a beach. Alt text by writer Kyrin Sturdivant.

    Of Air

    At first daybreak, before earth birthed atmosphere there was no sound, only silence, then we of mangled word and worms tread the earth, and you—hush all the commotion…

  • Starry Night Sky. Alt text by writer Kyrin Sturdivant.

    Interpreting the Stars

    I leave these words a loose leaf, printed on pages, turning, even on the flip-side, dangling from a ball point pen…

  • Interior of a room with a window shining light in from the right-hand side of the image. Alt text by writer Kyrin Sturdivant.

    To Let In the Air

    he opens the windows, because the brick walls seem to love trapping in [the heat] reminiscent of his mother’s arms in youth…

  • the hand of a woman braises the hand of a man. The two hands were once holding each other but one of them releases the hand of the other.

    what you means to me

    i—you, i really—you, but you don’t know it yet/or maybe you do…

  • An image of the sky framed by autumn tree canopies. Alt text written by Kyrin Sturdivant.

    Sometember Noneteenth

    Endless November scratches its way across my windowpane, a stunning picture I watch but cannot touch…

  • A Nighttime Stroll

    Along the shoreline the ocean rolls in constant offering, tugging and fighting with itself to be the first hand to ferry in the new.

  • More Poetry coming soon..


  • summer mountain with green fields

    Lost & Found

    “You okay?” Tristan's hand leapt off of my shoulder in what’d felt like an afterthought. I hadn’t heard the urgency woven into the low timbre of his voice.

  • Stardust Reflections

    The day began with the red sun. Red like the blood from a freshly born wound, shifting to a warm orange then to yellow. The pan of colors mixed in the palate of the sky diffusing out like thin watercolor soaking into a cold blue page.

YA Fiction

  • A close up of the retro arcade game Pac Man's screen, with colorful cartoon ghosts and the words "GAME OVER" in red on screen beneath the ghosts.

    The Prize They Wanted

    During hot summers like these, the air inside the video arcade smells of melting rubber, and down below, the carpet looks like a mild acid trip. Flashing neon lights bounce in the reflection of the glass cases, and Game Over echoes its synthesized voice through the sounds of gunfire and button-mashing clinging to sticky fingers…

  • log cabin home in a forest with a knitted white hammock tied onto two trees in front of the cabin.

    An excerpt from "An Unstoppable Stream"

    After supper, he would always let out a big heavy sigh as if to reboot his system before processing. That, or he was growing tired of the meals Ma prepared us, and tired of keeping up the act.

  • City skyline. Alt text by writer Kyrin Sturdivant.

    An excerpt from "Still"

    My foot catches on the stale cracked sidewalk as I walk to school. A right down Melrose, 3 blocks down Roberts. Too often it slips my mind to grab a jacket…

  • School classroom. Alt text by Kyrin Sturdivant.

    An Excerpt from "Operation: Save the School"

    Interrogation — Okay, I know what you’re thinking. This looks bad, and why would he, a middle school meathead, want to save the school? First of all, ouch.

Non-Fiction on Climate

  • Forested river. Alt text by Kyrin Sturdivant.

    Restoring the Forest: On Cutting Our Carbon Footprint and Clearing the Air

    Every forest I visit tells a story of perseverance. The tall tropical posts of El Yunque National Forest, speak of the vibrant native birds and immense biodiversity traversing across its soil, but also of increasingly harsh hurricanes ripping at its shores. The pines of the midwest tell of delicate snowfall, prancing deer and rabbits, but also of sporadic highs and lows in temperature…

  • Laptop with a blank gray screen on a desk. Alt text by Kyrin Sturdivant.

    Look Up: Facing the reality of Climate Change in the Digital Age

    I remember the joy of logging in to our family computer in the early aughts (‘00s). Our tan clunky monitor weighed the room, flashing a plane of cotton-fuzz clouds that stretched east and west across our screen. Our computer was always leashed to its side, panting labored sighs of warm exhaust…

  • More non-fiction coming soon..

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